Tamil Nadu holds the first place in the country in the implementation of the 'Weaver Mudra Scheme' during 2016-17 and 2017-18, Minister for Handlooms and Textiles, O S Manian told the Assembly on Friday.
During 2017-18, it was proposed to cover 15,000 handloom weavers in Tamil Nadu under the scheme, he said, moving the demand for grants to his department.
"With the concerted efforts and continuous follow-up by the department, the state has achieved disbursing 18,488 Mudra loans to the tune of Rs 901.2 million during 2017-18 which is higher than the disbursement of 17,031 loans to the tune of Rs 823.8 million in 2016-17," he said.
As regards free distribution of dhoties and sarees scheme for 2018-19, the government has made an allocation of Rs 4.9 million.
For free electricity to power loom weavers, an allocation of Rs 4.3 billion has been earmarked while for handloom weavers, Rs 48.4 million has been allocated for the current fiscal, he said.
The government provides free electricity (upto 200 units) bimonthly for 1,11,394 handloom weavers and to 1,24,877 power loom units (upto 750 units/bimonthly).