Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank, wind turbine maker Suzlon Energy and Kumudam Publications have contributed a total of Rs 3.26 crore to Chief Minister's Relief Fund, taking the total contribution to Rs 310.92 crore.
Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank MD & CEO H S Upendra Kamath presented a demand draft of Rs 2 crore while Suzlon Energy President N Ramani handed over Rs 1 crore to Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa at a function in the Secretariat, an official release said today.
Kumudham Publications CMD P Varadharajan presented a cheque of Rs 26.47 lakh.
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With the latest contributions, the flood relief fund, set up to provide succour to the people hit by the unprecedented rains and floods in November-December, has received a total of Rs 310.82 crore.
The state government has also demanded a central assistance of Rs 25,912.45 crore for taking up relief and restoration works.