Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar today expressed anxiety over the incessant rain in Tamil Nadu and attributed the natural disaster to climate change even as his deputy, Tejaswi Yadav, announced donating his first salary to the victims of the floods.
Talking to reporters while emerging from state Legislative Assembly, Kumar described the heavy rain in Tamil Nadu as "natural disaster" triggered by climate change.
"Where earlier there used to be less rain, it is now witnessing excessive rain ... We all are bothered about this," he said.
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"Today is December 2 but still winter has not arrived in Bihar unlike in the past," he said, adding it was an indication of change in climate.
The Bihar CM said feelings of people of Bihar are with citizens of Tamil Nadu in this hour of crisis in the southern state.
Meanwhile, Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejaswi Yadav announced donating his first month's salary to victims of rain in Tamil Nadu.
While talking to a section of mediapersons, Tejaswi Yadav appealed to other legislators to generously donate for relief of TN rain victims.
Chennai today turned a virtual island and several coastal areas of Tamil Nadu were marooned by flood waters after unprecedented rains in 100 years pounded the city, its suburbs and neighbouring districts destroying crucial road and rail links, shutting the airport and rendering thousands homeless.
The death toll in the rains that have lashed the city and other parts of state has gone up to 197, officials said.