Tamil Nadu today urged the Centre to advise Karnataka not to take up any irrigation, hydro power projects, including the proposed Mekedatu drinking water project in Cauvery basin as it violates the final orders of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal and affects the interest of its farmers.
Chief Minister O Panneerselvam in a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi drew attention to media reports to the effect that Karnataka has invited global Expression of Interest for a technical feasibility study to construct two reservoirs at Mekedatu to store additional water.
He requested Modi to advise Karnataka not to proceed with any further action regarding the technical feasibility study and not to take any steps to execute any irrigation, hydro power, lift irrigation schemes or any other scheme in the guise of drinking water supply in the Cauvery basin without the consent of Tamil Nadu.
Panneerselvam also reiterated the state's demand for formation of Cauvery Management Board and Cauvery Water Regulation Committee to implement the final order of the Cauvery Tribunal.