Tamil Nadu has recorded significant jump in Net Enrolment Ratio in government schools over a period of 12 years as dropout percentage reduced considerably.
The NER at primary level rose from 93 per cent in 2001-02 to 99.80 per cent in 2013-14, School Education Minister KC Veeramani informed the state Assembly.
At upper primary level, NER increased from 90 per cent in 2001-02 to 99.10 per cent in 2013-14, he said.
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Veeramani attributed the increase in NER to a series of measures undertaken by the Jayalalithaa government, including providing educational kit like books and textbooks, uniforms, school bags, footwear, free of cost besides introduction of English medium sections in government schools.
In 2013-14, English medium sections were introduced in 5,189 government schools benefiting 1.03 lakh students, he said.
"Due to these consistent efforts under the guidance of the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu J Jayalalithaa, the net enrolment has increased over the years and the number of dropouts has considerably reduced," he said.
Government was also going ahead with opening of new schools, providing additional class rooms in schools, and creating new teaching and non-teaching posts, he said.
At the primary level, school dropout rate was 0.95 per cent in 2013-14 as against 12 per cent in 2001-2002.
At upper primary level, it decreased from 13 per cent in 2001-02 to 1.65 per cent in 2013-14.
Further, under Right To Education, 49,864 students were admitted as per the provision of 25 per cent reservation to children from 'disadvantaged group and weaker sections' in entry level class in all unaided minority schools, the Minister informed.
As for 2014-15, of the 80,404 applications received for admission under this provision as on June 30, 74,127 children have been admitted in various private schools in the state, he said.