Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Nabam Tuki today exhorted the people to stand united and join hands to fight anti-social elements who had been trying to 'dislodge the social fabric' of the state.
Unfurling the tricolour at Indira Gandhi Park here on the occasion of the 68th Independence celebration, Tuki urged the people of the state to become partners in true team spirit in the state's journey towards development.
"While it is necessary to preserve and promote one's own culture, the ultimate interest of the people lies in the ability of different tribes and sub-tribes of the state in strengthening bond of unity across different communities of the state," the Chief Minister said.
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"We must strive to promote a pan Arunachal image even while deriving strength from past heritage of each individual tribe," he said.
Dwelling on various schemes and programmes undertaken by his government and those in the pipelines, Tuki disclosed that infrastructure development, health and education sectors remained the priority areas for the government in addition to agriculture and its allied sectors and development of tourism.
"The Union ministry of Information and Broadcasting has proposed to set up a Film and Television Institute in our state at par with the Film and Television Institute of India, Pune and Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Kolkata," the Chief Minister said.
A team of experts from the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, would soon arrive in the state to assess and prepare a feasibility report, he disclosed.
"The initiative will not only nurture creative talent but will also promote growth of film industry in the state as well as the North East," he said, adding the state government had also proposed setting up a mechanism for film finance scheme to assist film makers of the state.