Two Asiatic black bear cubs were rescued by a team of Wildlife Trust of India from two persons in Shergoan forest division in West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh, official sources said today.
The two male cubs of about 3-4 months-old were rescued by Dr Jahan Ahmed and animal keeper Birkhe Bahadur on June 4 last and admitted to the Centre for Bear Rehabilitation and Conservation (CBRC) at Pakke Tiger Reserve, Seijosa in East Kameng district the same day.
According to the rescue team, both the cubs were separated from their mother at least three months ago and they were being kept and raised in Shergoan by two local persons. One cub is suffering from burn injury.
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Dr Ahmed, who is treating the two cubs at CBRC, said that other than the burn injury of one cub, their health was in state. They would undergo a process of rehabilitation after which they would be released back to forest.
Another bear cub which was rescued from Aalo a month ago was also rushed to CBRC and doing fine.
Talking about the efforts put in by the WTI for wildlife conservation in the state where excessive hunting is still prevalent, Sunil Kyarong, Regional Head of WTI said, "People are now responding to the appeal of rescue and rehabilitation of wild animals which is a very positive sign."
Dr Sorang Tadap, Veterinary Officer, Itanagar Zoo said that Asiatic Black Bear which comes under Schedule 2 of Wildlife Protection Act 1972 is regarded highly threatened species whose population is drastically decreasing and might get extinct if not conserved today.