A woman and a labourer were killed when the roof of an old building which was being repaired fell on them in northeast Delhi's Sonia Vihar area this evening, police said.
The deceased have been identified as landlady of the building Sunita Beniwal (40) and labourer Vijay (35), who hailed from Bihar.
The incident took place around 4.20 pm in Pocket-6 of Sonia Vihar area.
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"The owner of the house was getting it repaired as it was more than two decades old. Beniwal had gone to serve tea to the labourers working there when the incident took place," a police official said.
"While the woman and Vijay were killed in the incident, two others were injured," the police official said.
A call was made to a PCR about the incident around 5.30 pm after which a police team and fire tenders were rushed to the spot to rescue the victims, the official said.
Those injured are being treated at a nearby hospital.
"It is an accident. Repair work was undertaken by the owner of the property during which the roof collapsed," he added.
The area falls under Shahdara (North) Zone of the East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC) and the civic body has ordered an inquiry into the incident.
"The inquiry will be carried out under two Executive Engineers of EDMC. It was a 50X50 sq yards house and prime facie, it appears that the roof collapsed because the building was old," said a senior official of the EDMC.
"The inquiry will be completed within 72 hours, after which the corporation will decide if any action is needed," he.