Full Throttle's Sachin Singh (co-driver Chandrashekar M), in a Tata Sumo Gold, who had won the previous round, finished second behind privateer Karthick Maruthi (co-driver Sankar Anand) in the Pro-Expert category, just three seconds separating the two.
In Pro-Stock class, the experienced Full Throttle team of Chidananda Murthy and co-driver Sujith Kumar B S from Bangalore, driving a Tata Visa, came in third, but retained their top position in the championship standings.
Murthy and Sujith, winners of the previous two rounds, missed out on a hat-trick following an error that cost them a minute and 36 seconds and had to be content with a third place finish behind MD Ganesh Moorthy (co-driver T Nagarajan) and S Gopalkrishnan (co-driver V Sekar).
However, Murthy and Sujith maintained their lead in the championship with a tally of 65 points after three rounds. Sachin Singh from Hyderabad and his Bangalore-based co-driver Chandrashekar are currently placed second overall in the championship with 43 points.
Their Full Throttle team-mates Satish Gopalkrishnan and Savera D'Souza, the husband-wife tandem from Bangalore, slipped to third overall with 35 points after finishing 12th. Another Full Throttle pairing of Girijashankar Joshy and Chandramoul M were fourth in the Pro-Expert category behind Tarun Chaudhary and G Natarajan.