A Ph.D holder and a writer with books on social issues and Dalit upliftment, among others, Dr Ram Shankar Katheria's elevation as a Minister of State in the BJP-led Union government is being seen as a move which would help the party in the states of UP and Punjab.
The 50-year-old MP, who is in his second stint in the House of the People, hails from Uttar Pradesh and is also the in-charge of the party's affairs for Punjab. Katheria won from the Agra (SC) constituency in the last Lok Sabha polls.
Educated at Kanpur University, Katheria holds an MA and a PhD. Among his various works are, 'Etawah Zile Ki Boliyan', 'Dalit Chetna Ki Avashyakata', 'Samajik Ekta Ki Avashyakata', and 'Dalit Sahitya Aur Nai Chunautiyan'.
In his first term as a Lok Sabha MP, Katheria was a member of several committees. He was a part of the Committee on Urban Development, Committee on Papers Laid on the Table, Committee on Petitions and also the Consultative Committee on Rural Development.