As per directives issued by Chief Secretary Alok Jain District Magistrates would be on tour during winter in their areas for a minimum of 20 days, ADMs and SDMs for at least 25 days and tehsildars and naib tehsildars for a minimum of 30 days.
The officers have been asked to conduct inspection of tehsils, revenue courts and police stations at least once in a year. During their visit, they would review strengthening of revenue police, verification of revenue cases and collection of government dues.
They will also review distribution of compensation to people affected by natural calamities, repair of damaged properties, status of drinking water, cases of forest land transfer and distribution of seeds, plants and fertilisers among the beneficiaries.
The touring officers will also take stock of various development programmes underway in their areas, availability of doctors and paramedical staff, power supply and crime against women.