The responsibility of the governments of the states that lie along the course of the river should be fixed under the law for preventing its pollution, the senior BJP leader who has launched 'Save Ganga' campaign country-wide told a public meeting here.
Pollution in the holy river has increased due to draining of industrial effluents by several towns and cities along its course, while concrete dams constructed on it for power generation were preventing its free movement.
Stringent legislation to check industrial effluents from being drained into the river was needed apart from conservation efforts as over 50 crore people were dependent of Ganga for their survival, she said.
The campaign, she claimed, has received "unqualified support" from MPs of all political parties. It was important that the people should take the initiative to maintain the sanctity of the holy river by contributing in the cleanliness mission.
Uma Bharati said that 'Samagra Ganga Abhiyan' will rope in scientists to study pollution in the river and submit a report for remedial measures.
A copy of the report would be submitted to the Prime Minister for taking anti-pollution measures.