Union Minister Jitendra Singh on Wednesday provided 2,200 kits containing essential goods for the needy who have been unable to get items of daily use due to the prevailing nationwide lockdown to check the spread of coronavirus, according to a Personnel Ministry statement.
Kendriya Bhandar, which functions under the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), has prepared a total of 2,200 kits for distribution to needy families, the statement said.
Each essential kit consists of three kg rice, two kg dal, one litre cooking oil, 500 gms chiwda/poha, one kg salt, one bathing soap, one detergent soap and three packets of biscuits, it said.
Singh, Minister of State for Personnel, handed over a consignment of the 2,200 essential kits for distribution to needy families in the wake of COVID-19, it added.
"Singh handed over 1,700 kits to SDM, Civil Lines, Central Delhi District and the remaining 500 kits will be given to DM (Central)," the statement said.
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