Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav has requested Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar for NOC for "re-carpeting" of the airstrip at Lalitpur in Bundelkhand region, expenses for which will be borne by the state.
In a letter sent to Parrikar, Akhilesh said the airstrip was constructed during World War II and the Army had acquired 273.7 acres of land for it.
He said over 64.74 acres was transferred to Director General, Civil Aviation, by the Defence Ministry after the war was over.
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The CM said that in the past also efforts were made for reconstruction of the airstrip but objections were raised regarding ownership of the land by the Ministry, due to which the matter was still pending and the airstrip could not be made operational.
Akhilesh added in the letter that the airstrip can be used by the Army and Air Force after its re-carpeting.