Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav has requested the Centre to give Integrated Plastic Park status to plastic city at Auraiya and provide sanctioned assistance for its establishment.
The CM has written a letter to Union Minister for Chemicals and Fertilisers Ananth Kumar, requesting him to take an early decision in this regard, an official spokesman said in a statement issued here today.
In his letter, Akhilesh said that to promote manufacturing sector in the state, a plastic city was being set up on 314 acre land in Auraiya.
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The CM said the plastic city would be helpful in providing guidance to entrepreneurs and employment creation, adding that facilities like common enabling assets, proto-typing, non-destructive material testing, incubation, training, warehousing and plastic recycling would be provided in the plastic city.
Akhilesh said that assistance was provided by the Centre in setting up of plastic city for which it was necessary to give it the status of an Integrated Plastic Park.