Uttar Pradesh government today said that conducting postmortems in government hospitals in the state during nighttime is not a possibility as of now, but it would consider doing the same from 10 AM in the morning.
"Except for the exceptional cases, postmortem was not possible in the night as it was difficult to see wounds and due to other problems also," State Health Minister Shankh Lal Majhi said.
He was replying to a question raised by BJP member Manish Asija in state assembly on whether postmortems could be conducted between 8 PM to 10 AM in district hospitals as family members of the deceased had to wait for long hours for the procedure.
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Speaker Mata Prasad Pandey directed the minister to look into the matter and said that if postmortem was not possible in the night it could be started in the morning by 10 AM so that kin of deceased persons did not have to wait.
Majhi assured to look into the matter.