Uttar Pradesh Health Minister Jai Pratap Singh on Friday took a test for coronavirus as it emerged that he was at a party thrown by celebrity singer Kanika Kapoor who is now suffering from COVID-19, while three BJP MLAs who met him on Thursday went into self-isolation, sources said.
Noida MLA and BJP state general secretary Pankaj Singh, Jewar MLA Dhirendra Singh and Dadri MLA Tejpal Nagar took to Twitter to say they are going into self-isolation as a precautionary measure as they had met the health minister on Thursday in Greater Noida.
"The health minister has undergone a test for coronavirus and its result is awaited. He has for the time being isolated himself," an official source told PTI.
The minister was in Gautam Buddh Nagar on Thursday where he held a press conference to talk about the achievements of the BJP government in the last three years.
At the meeting, held in a conference hall at the district collectorate with over 50 people including several mediapersons inside the room, the health minister had said "it was a suitable time" for such the meet despite the coronavirus outbreak.
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