The Uttar Pradesh Police today enhanced security for Delhi Chief Minister-designate Arvind Kejriwal, a day after Delhi Police provided him 'Z plus' security cover.
Kejriwal was yesterday given Z-plus security by Delhi Police under which he would be protected round-the-clock by 12 commandos armed with automatic guns.
The AAP leader stays in an apartment in Kausambi here.
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A police team headed by Superintendent of Police of Ghaziabad city Vipin Tada visited Kejriwal's residence and chalked out a plan to further beef up security for him.
City magistrate Kapil Singh also visited the apartment.
Police officials said a crowd management plan as well as steps required for smooth movement of his convoy have been finalised.
"In addition to that whatsoever government directs us with intelligence alerts, we would act accordingly," Singh said.
Tada said a comprehensive security plan is being finalised for Kejriwal and added that deployment of security personnel outside his residence would be increased.
He said CCTV cameras are also being installed around the apartment.