The Chhattisgarh Assembly witnessed uproarious scenes for the second consecutive day today with the main Opposition Congress demanding a debate on an adjournment motion over an alleged fake land deal in the state's Bilaspur district.
The Opposition also demanded a 'white paper' on land allotted to industries by the ruling BJP government in the state.
Soon after the question hour, Congress (state unit) chief Nand Kumar Patel raised the issue and demanded to admit the adjournment motion, seeking reply from the state government on the fake land deals in Bhadora village under Masturi development block of Bilaspur district.
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Joining him on the issue, the Congress legislators started shouting slogans against the ruling BJP government accusing it of being involved in irregular land deals.
Amid uproar in the House, Revenue and Disaster Management Minister Dayaldas Baghel started reading his statement over the issue.
"Industrial houses namely ACC, Jindal Steel and Power Limited, SKS Ispat and Power Limited, Lafarge India Private Limited and subsidiary companies including Rashi Stripes, Chidipal Gases Private Ltd and Ranju Infracon were establishing their plants in Bhadora region of Masturi block," Baghel said.
"Complaint pertaining to irregularities in land deals and manipulation of land recorded in the region was reported to district administration following which probe has begun into it. Patwaris Mukesh Verma and Feroz Menon were suspended after finding them guilty in the preliminary investigation," he said.
Besides, the then Tehsildar was also suspended in this connection, he said.