A US-based nursing school will fund a four-story medical facility in India with a grant of USD 652,800 it has received.
Baylor University's Louise Herrington School of Nursing in Dallas will be collaborating with the Bangalore Baptist Hospital.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA) awarded Baylor University's Louise Herrington School of Nursing (BU LHSON) USD 652,800 to partner with Bangalore Baptist Hospital, the nursing school said in a statement.
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In January, a team of six staffers from Baylor school of nursing had taken part along with 400 people in a groundbreaking ceremony in India for the new centre.
Most of the money from the grant will go towards building a new Simulation Education and Research Centre for Nursing Excellence in Bengaluru.
"It'll have space for about 48 nurses to learn the same practices and information as those who received nursing education stateside," it said.
"All of us at Bangalore Baptist Hospital would like to say 'thank you' to the faculty and students of the Baylor University Louise Herrington School of Nursing and to USAID for partnering with us," said Naveen Thomas, CEO of Bangalore Baptist Hospital.
"The simulation center will go a long way in strengthening our ability to impart quality education and to train students and staff to care for patients," Thomas added.
"Here in Baylor Scott & White Health, we in Faith in Action Initiatives are honoured and humbled to have the chance to assist our friends at the Bangalore Baptist Hospital," said Donald E. Sewell, Ph.D., Director, Faith in Action Initiatives, Baylor Scott & White Health (BSWH).
"We also collaborate with the School of Nursing of Baylor University in order to make a small impact at Bangalore. These efforts help us to carry out the spirit and intent of BSWH's Christian ministry of healing," Sewell added.
Both Baylor and the Bangalore hospital share similar Christ-centered Baptist missions.
In addition to the new center and guidance with curriculum, BSWH and its Faith in Action Initiatives sent over medical equipment like carts, stretchers, tables, IV poles, office furniture, and other supplies.