Pomersbach, who plays for IPL franchise Royal Challengers Bangalore, was visibly shaken when he was produced before Metropolitan Magistrate Navita Kumari Bagha after his arrest on complaint by the American woman that he molested her after a party in a five-star hotel.
The cricketer drew a lot of attention of onlookers, lawyers and scribes which prompted the magistrate to order eviction of all from the courtroom except the player and his lawyer, an order resented by the journalists.
"Everyone should be out otherwise, I will not hear the case. Only one person that is accused (Pomersbach) should be there in the court and rest all go out," the magistrate said and went inside her chamber.
Consequently, all including the journalists were pushed out of the court room. The judge, however, later allowed media persons inside the courtroom to witness the proceedings.
During the hearing, Pomersbach complained of dizziness and fainted. He was given water and taken out by the policemen for a while till he felt alright.
The cricketer, who claimed to have fractured his right hand in the alleged brawl, signed the documents.
Initially, Pomersbach was produced before Metropolitan Magistrate Sudesh Kumar, under whose jurisdiction the hotel falls. But, the case was transferred to a Mahila Court (court for women) on the ground that it was a molestation case.