Tamil Nadu Assembly Secretary has sent an official notification to the Election Commission about the vacancy in Srirangam constituency, following AIADMK chief Jayalalithaa's conviction for four years in a graft case.
A notification detailing the vacancy in Srirangam, from where Jayalalithaa was elected in the last assembly polls, has been sent to Chief Electoral Officer Sandeep Saxena from the Assembly Secretary AMP Jamaludeen's office last evening, official sources said.
Though technically the seat fell vacant the moment Jayalalithaa was convicted and sentenced to four years on September 27, procedure required an official communication from the Assembly Secretary to the CEO in this regard.
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Former Chief Electoral Officer Praveen Kumar had said last month that he was awaiting a notification from the Assembly Secretary on this regard, replying to a query.
Following her conviction in a graft case, three-time Chief Minister lost her post as well as her election from Srirangam Assembly constituency.
The 66-year-old leader was granted a bail by the Supreme Court and is in Chennai presently.