The Madras High Court today stayed a single judge's order directing transport corporation in Tamil Nadu to make appointments not only through employment exchange but also calling applications through advertisements and other applications in open market besides restricting selection process to the level of conducting written exam alone.
A vacation bench, comprising Justice P.N.Prakash and Justice K. Kalyanasundaram, stayed Justice D Hariparanthaman's order on an appeal filed by Tamil Nadu Transport Corporation (Chennai) Limited.
The petitioner submitted that the single judge had on August 27 reserved orders on a petition submitted by one J Kovaisamy.
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The Corporation said since there was no veil over the appointments or no directions with regard to the appointment, the management proceeded with the selection by conducting interview for various posts.
It said the single judge issued final orders on December 12 after a lapse of 107 days with directions to call for applications to fill up the posts by direct recruitment through open market besides calling for names from the employment exchange.
Citing a Supreme Court order, the petitoner alleged the judge has failed to see that the process of selection and the validity of written exams and oral interview is a better method of selection.
The judgment of the single judge nullifies the conduct of personal interview, the petitioner alleged and sought setting aside of the order.
The single judge was disposing of a petition filed by Kovaisamy (44) who had registered his name in the Employment Exchange two decades ago and yet to get employment.