Charging that governance in Tamil Nadu remained paralysed and even temple consecration functions were held up, MDMK leader Vaiko today stressed the need for an effective administration in the state.
"From investors meet to Metro rail project inaurugation to temple consecration, every thing is being postponed for a particular person," he said in a veiled reference to AIADMK supremo Jayalalithaa, expected to take over reins of the state if she wins her legal battle in disproportionate assets case.
"This situation in the state should change for the good... The government is not for a particular person..It is for the People," he said.
On Andhra pradesh Government's order for an inquiry by Revenue Divisional Officer into the killing of 20 woodcutters from Tamil Nadu in Seshachalam forest, he said it amounted to 'burying' the case.