Soon after seat-sharing agreement with its partners was announced by BJP President Rajnath Singh for the April 24 Lok Sabha polls, MDMK, a constituent of the ally, said its leader Vaiko would contest from Virudhunagar constituency while party's treasurer Dr Masilamani would contest from Sriperumbudur.
MDMK Deputy General Secretary Mallai Sathya would contest from Kancheepuram while A Ganesamurthi would contest from Erode.
Advocate K Azhagusundaram, former MLA Dr Sathan Thirumalaikumar and party district secretary Joyal would contest from Theni, Thenkasi and Tuticorin constituencies respectively.
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Rajnath Singh had announced the formation of a seven-party rainbow alliance for the polls, in its first-ever such electoral venture in the state where the turf has been largely dominated by DMK and AIADMK.
Of the 39 seats in Tamil Nadu, actor-politician Vijayakanth's DMDK will fight for 14 seats, while PMK and BJP will field candidates in eight constituencies each, Vaiko's MDMK in seven seats and IJK and KMDK one constituency each.