Tamil Nadu Congress Trade Union, an INTUC affiliate, has convened an urgent meeting here on November seven to take stock of the political situation in the wake of former Union Minister G K Vasan quitting Congress and deciding to float a new outfit.
The meeting has been convened to elicit views of TCTU office bearers since difference of opinion prevailed among around 55,000 leaders and workers, on whether to remain in Congress or move towards the new party to be floated by Vasan, N Nanjappan, President, TCTU, told PTI today.
As INTUC was a larger organisation and not all members belonged to Congress, it was for the Tamil Nadu unit to decide its future course of action, he said, adding, Vasan was the patron of TCTU.
Asked about his personal view, Nanjappan said,"I am holding my cards close to my chest. The correct picture of the working class and trade unions will be known only after the meeting".