A day after Kalyan Singh took over as acting Governor of Himachal Pradesh, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad submitted a memorandum, drawing his attention towards incidents of Love Jihad, religious conversions and infiltration of Bangladeshi migrants and urged him to take necessary action in this regard.
The memorandum presented to the Governor by a delegation led by VHP organising secretary Manoj Kumar said that about two dozen cases of Love Jihad, a number of cases of religious conversions and infiltration of Bangladeshi migrants in the state were brought to the notice of the chief minister Virbhadra Singh who had denied that any such case was in the knowledge of the government.
Manoj said that there were no religious conversions in the state some 15 years ago but now there is spurt in such incidents and the situation had become so alarming that Virbhadra Singh passed the Anti Conversion Act in 2007 but now he was claiming that there was no such case.
Since the Chief Minister has already told that there was no such case in the state inspite of a long list of cases presented to him, the VHP was compelled to approach the Governor, he said.