Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh today said that the T-20 World Cup cricket match between India and Pakistan, which is to be played at Dharamsala on March 19, should be cancelled in view of Pathankot terror attack.
"I don't want to bring politics in cricket and was in favour of Indo-Pak cricket match but after the attack by terrorists at Pathankot airbase, the situation has changed and I feel that the match should not be held after killings of our jawans in the terrorist attack," hesaid.
Referring to the controversy over locating the main campus of Kangra Central University, the Chief Minister said he was in favour of setting up the main campus at Dharamsala, which was the central place, while departments can be opened in other places also.
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Singh alleged the matter was being delayed as the BJP MP from Hamirpur Anurag Thakur wants the main campus at Dehra which falls in his Parliamentary constituency and is quite far away from Dharamsala and other places in Kangra district.