Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh today questioned the role of state Congress chief Sukhvinder Singh Sukkhu in the Lok Sabha polls and asked the rationale behind seeking booth wise report on votes polled from the party functionaries by the HPCC president.
The Chief Minister, who returned here after meeting Congress president Sonia Gandhi and other party leaders, said the booth-wise report on votes polled by different parties are available on the the Election Commission's website and this was a futile exercise.
"Had the HPCC chief more proactive during the polls instead of seeking report now, the results could have been different," he told reporters.
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"Sukkhu is trying to conduct post mortem and what is the use of this exercise when the patient is already dead," he said, adding that had steps been taken to gear up the party machinery, the situation could have been salvaged.
Just two days back, Sukkhu had tried to turn the tables on the government for the party's worst ever defeat in the May 7 Lok Sabha polls letting the BJP to make a clean sweep and also winning Sujanpur Assembly by-election.
The Chief Minister said Congress lost polls due to Modi wave, yet a strong organisational set-up could have been helpful in countering the BJP's high-voltage campaign carried through TV channels and other forms of media for full four months.