Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh will launch the Food Security Programme in the state on September 11, state Food and Civil Supplies minister G S Bali said.
"The Chief Minister will launch the programme from Shimla on September 11," Bali said here today.
"The state government, however, will continue providing selected food items to APL families, though rates might be increased marginally," he said adding, the Centre had agreed in principle to provide Rs 400 crore to meet the cost.
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"To store more food items under the new programme, the government will set up storage facilities on Public-Private Partnership mode," he said.
The minister, who also holds the transport portfolio, said, "The Centre has agreed to contribute the balance cost of any project undertaken by the state government to improve road connectivity in rural areas."
During a recent meeting, the Union Transport Minister has agreed to set up a drivers' training school in the state at a cost of Rs 14 crore, he said.
The Centre has also agreed to provide funds for National Highway 20-A from Nagrota Bagwan to Mubarkpur in Himachal Pradesh, Bali said.