Sanjay Rathi, who carries a reward of Rs one lakh on his head, was apprehended from Bawana. Investigators are on a look out for his associate Pawan Pandit, who also figures in the list.
With his arrest, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Outer) B S Jaiswal today said 13 cases of murder, attempt to murder, robbery and car-jacking have been solved. A sophisticated 9 MM pistol with three live cartridges and an empty cartridge was allegedly seized from him.
"We had an input that he would visit Bawana to kill Rajender Singh with whom he had property dispute. After he was cornered, Rathi took out a pistol, and fired on Head Constable Shamsher Singh but he narrowly escaped. Another constable apprehended him while Singh snatched his pistol.
"Rathi had spread a reign of terror in Outer Delhi and Haryana. He was wanted in many heinous crimes," the senior police official said.
In one of the cases, he along with his associates murdered one Pradeep in Haryana's Sonepat as he was the prime witness in a case against gangster Sarwan last year. Among the 13 cases, seven cases were of car-theft.
Rathi's gang also allegedly murdered one Kuldeep in Adchini in February this year.