A day after West Bengal Governor K N Tripathi warned the students of Jadavpur University against their proposed boycott of the varsity's upcoming convocation, state Education Minister Partha Chatterjee today urged them to participate in it.
Refusing to react on the Governor's remarks yesterday, Chatterjee, while referring to the agitation of the students, said, "Agitation would come many a time, but the convocation comes once in a year (for the students)."
"And if they participate, it would be good for all. If they take a considered decision (in favour of the participation at the convocation) it would be good," Chatterjee told reporters.
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The Governor had warned the protesting students of Jadavpur University that their certificates would be stamped stating they have boycotted the convocation.
"It is up to them if they (students) do not receive. The certificates will be sent to them by post. And if they insist there will be a stamp on their certificate that they have boycotted the convocation. I am proposing a stamp in degree certificates," Tripathi had told reporters on the sidelines of a Calcutta Chamber of Commerce programme.
On proposed boycott by Jadavpur University Teachers' Association (JUTA), the Governor, who is also the Chancellor of the state universities, said, "It is open to a person to participate in the convocation or not."
"If anybody refuses to participates he can. But law will takes its own course if there is any attempt to disrupt the convocation then I am sorry the law will have to be allowed to take its own course," Tripathi had said.
The convocation is scheduled to be held on December 24 during which JUTA has threatened to hold a protest demonstration inside the campus against Vice Chancellor Abhijit Chakrabarti.
Students on the other hand have given a call to boycott the convocation to demand the VC's resignation following police crackdown on protesting students three months ago.