Environment and Forest Minister Jayanthi Natarajan said during Question Hour that the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and IIT-Delhi had conducted a survey based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) for assessment of pollution load of industrial areas.
"The survey was conducted in 88 major industrial clusters in the country. Out of these, 43 industrial clusters have been identified as critically polluted," she said.
The ministry maintained that three categories - red, orange and green - have been established to measure the pollution caused by industries.
Natarajan said West Bengal has 12,810 red category industries, followed by Maharashtra with 12,184 and Tamil Nadu 11,650.
She maintained that before the UPA came to power no proper scientific method was adopted by the government to measure pollution caused by industries. "It is completely wrong to say that the Centre is not taking any action," she said.
To a question, Natarajan said in Bihar a moratorium on industries has been put only in the East Singhbhum district of the state on grounds of excess pollution. (MORE)