BJP MP Bimla Kashyap today said she would apprise the Central party leadership of the problems farmers in Punjab may face after the state cabinet's decision to restore the land acquired for construction of SYL canal to its owners and recover from them full compensation amount.
The Rajya Sabha MP from Himachal Pradesh is here to spread awareness about the welfare programmes of the Centre as the party prepares for the assembly polls due next year.
"The matter pertains to the state government and it will decide on it. But I will speak to the central leadership about the problems of farmers and ask them to find a solution," she said.
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The Punjab cabinet had yesterday decided to bring 'Punjab Satlej Yamuna Link Canal (Rehabilitation and Re-vesting of Proprietary Rights) Bill, 2016' in the Assembly which will allow the government to restore land acquired for construction of SYL canal to its owners.
The Cabinet has given approval to a draft bill, which stipulates land owners or their successors-in-interest would repay the total compensation amount, along with all statutory benefits accrued to them at the rate of interest to be notified by the government, in 60 equal instalments starting from the six month from the date of notification.