Bharatiya Janata Party MP Kirti Azad (pictured) on Saturday said he will “expose the biggest DDCA (Delhi & District Cricket Association) corruption” and “unmask the impostor” at a press conference today, rebuffing party’s attempts to dissuade him from going public with his allegations said to be targeted at Finance Minister Arun Jaitley.
The MP from Bihar also appeared to be taking a dig at Jaitley over his reported description of him as a “Trojan horse”. “Not a Trojan horse but Achilles’ heel; wait till I unmask the ‘behroopiya’ (impostor),” Azad tweeted.
“Will expose biggest DDCA corruption with audio-visual tomorrow [Sunday] at 4 pm,” he said in another tweet and quoted a poem by party stalwart Atal Bihari Vajpayee to suggest that he will carry on and not “concede” defeat.
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Azad had, however, later reiterated his decision of holding a press conference on Sunday.