Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar today said the state government will not tolerate, if Sri Ram Sene tries to create law and order problem in Goa.
"Who does it is not important, neither the name (of the person) is. We will not tolerate anyone creating law and order problem in the state," Parrikar told reporters, on Sri Ram Sene Chief Pramod Muthalik's announcement to set-up its branch in Goa and oppose the pub culture.
Muthalik, had recently, told PTI that he would peacefully oppose pub culture in Goa and will also meet Parrikar to clear misunderstandings created about him.
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"He has not sought any appointment with me. Once he does, I will tell you," Parrikar said, responding to a query if he will meet Muthalik.
The BJP had yesterday, said that the state government cannot ban Muthalik from entering in Goa.
The party said they support views of Muthalik, but disagree with his way of executing things.
Meanwhile, Congress Goa Chief John Fernandes, today, demanded that Muthalik be detained under National Security Act.