An inspector with the Industries, Power and Labour Department, arrested in a Rs five lakh graft case, is found to have owned six immovable assets, besides cash and fixed deposit collectively valued at Rs 86.63 lakh in her bank accounts, an ACB official said.
"The search at Borivali residence of the arrested accused Sandhya Pol (50) resulted in recovery of a number of documents. As per the documents, she owned five flats and a shop. Cash of Rs 16,750 was found in her residence whereas she has Rs 48.50 lakh as fixed deposit, Rs 38.13 lakh in cash in various bank accounts," the officer said.
Pol has an investment of Rs 8.51 lakh in the LIC, he said.
On Monday, the ACB team arrested Pol from her office in Mumbai Central area for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 5 lakh in return for issuing an NOC to the wiring work to be carried out in two Worli high rises. Junior clerk Ajit Kadam (40) was too subsequently held for his role in the crime.