"Superman" star Henry Cavill finds it disrespectful when women hit on him in front of his girlfriend, Tara King.
The 32-year-old actor has been dating 19-year-old King since meeting at a nightclub last year and Cavill admitted it can be annoying when women ignore his girlfriend to try to chat him up, reported Female First.
"I've heard some things in my time, I have to say. I'd best not say what. I don't mind it - not unless I'm with my girlfriend and someone is being complimentary to me in order to disrespect her. People who don't respect other people's feelings really get my goat."
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Cavill also claimed that he is the victim of catcalls from women and finds it uncomfortable.
"I do think there's a bit of a double standard, you know. I mean, if a girl shouts something like, 'Oi, love' to me as I walk past, I do sometimes wonder how she'd feel if a builder said that to her. Although, of course, I wouldn't feel physically threatened, as she might.