Union Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said here today that he would not interfere in working of the new Goa chief minister Laxmikant Parsekar and is open to guide him if he needs help.
"Parsekar has to run the show. The party will ensure that he can run the show. Even I will not tower over him. If he needs the help, he is welcome. I have told him he can call me anytime," the former chief minister said, rubbishing media reports that he would control the Goa cabinet from the Centre.
He said that the party has a core committee which will bridge the gap between government and the party organisation in the state.
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Parrikar stated that the task of the committee is only to discuss about the political situations.
"Government is expected to execute the party's agenda through legal and appropriate means. Party is always important part of the government. Be it Prime minister or chief minister, they have to be in tune with the party line," he added.
He said that the committee is not going to look into the day to day functioning of the government.
Parrikar said that the crucial issues of the state will now have to be handled by the chief minister.
He said he would be busy in New Delhi attending the winter session of Parliament which begins from November 24.