Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh has asked newly elected members of Panchayati Raj Institutions to work dedicatedly for speedy development of their areas and also ensure delivery of benefits under different programmes of the Government to the targeted groups.
Singh said this after administering the oath to the newly elected Pradhans, up-Pradhans of Chamba, Kangra and Una districts and elected Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) of Bilaspur, Kullu, Hamirpur and Mandi at Mandi, completing the process of oath taking.
Asking the newly elected members of PRIs to work dedicatedly and committedly for the speedy development of their respective areas, he said, 114 panchayats had been selected unanimously and were entitled to a special development grant of Rs 10 lakh each and that State Government would spend Rs 11.40 crore for the purpose.
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He expressed hope that it would give momentum to the pace of development in the State.
Assuring the newly elected PRI representatives of liberal financial assistance for developmental works, he urged them to fully utilise the funds for the welfare of the poor and needy one, and ensure delivery of benefits under different programmes of the Government to the targeted groups.
He appealed to them to ensure transparency in all development works.
"State Government was committed for overall development of the State. Many milestones had been achieved in various sectors particularly in education, health, electricity, road construction, providing drinking water, social welfare sectors etc. During the last three years," he said.
Singh said more than 994 new schools had been opened and upgraded and 25 new degree colleges had been opened in the State during this period.
He said that more than 98 per cent degree colleges had been opened by successive Congress Government in the State.
Two premier health institutions, IGMC, Shimla and Tanda Medical colleges were started by the Congress Government and now three more new medical colleges had been sanctioned in Chamba, Hamirpur and Sirmour districts, he said, adding that an AIIMS would be opened in district Bilaspur.
Singh said Rs 195.39 crore would be released to the Panchayats as per the recommendation of the 14th Finance Commission during this financial year out of which Rs 97.70 crore had been released as first instalment.
He gave a call to the elected representatives to optimally utilise the funds being provided to them for various development programmes.
To ensure maximum participation of women representatives, the Chief Minister said, a provision had been made to organise two Mahila Gram Sabha in a year.
These Gram Sabha would be organised on March 8 next on International Women's Day and first Sunday in the month of September.
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Minister Anil Sharma said that all important schemes and major programmes were being implemented through PRIs.
He said State government would impart training to all 28,725 newly elected Panchayat representatives within six months so that they could shoulder their responsibility in an efficient manner.
More than Rs 359 crore had been spent only under MNREGA during the year out of which Rs 145.29 crorehad been spent in Kangra, Una and Chamba districts, he added.