Zoa, who made her Bollywood debut with Shah Rukh Khan's production "Always Kabhi Kabhi", will play a fashion student in the film to be directed by Rakesh Ranjan Kumar of "Gandhi to Hitler" fame.
The makers of the film had earlier decided to cast a fresh face opposite Zahid for "Marksheet", which is not just an issue based film but would also be a love story.
However, under the creative guidance of filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt, who is also a mentor to Zahid, the makers zeroed in on 23-year-old Zoa who had earlier portrayed a school student in "Always Kabhi Kabhi" and would fit in the character of a college student, said a source close to the film.
"Marksheet", inspired by the story of Ranjit Don who run a racket leaking question papers for nation-wide exams, will mostly be shot around Delhi University while parts of it would be filmed in Bangalore, Mumbai and Kolkata.