MUMBAI (Reuters) - The BSE Sensex and Nifty fell more than 1.5 percent on Friday after earlier hitting a record high for a seventh session in eight, as ICICI Bank and Bank of Baroda posted disappointing results, while Coal India fell on the government's discounted stake sale.
The Nifty <.NSEI> fell 1.6 percent, snapping ten consecutive sessions of gains to post its biggest daily fall since a 3 percent fall on Jan. 6 in the midst of an emerging market sell-off.
Still, for the month the Nifty gained 6.8 percent, its best monthly performance since May 2014 when the market rallied after the election of Prime Minister Narendra Modi as Prime Minister.
The benchmark Sensex fell 1.68 percent to 29,182.95. It gained 6.1 percent in January and added 0.3 percent in the week.
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Bank of Baroda
Shares in Coal India Ltd
(Reporting by Indulal PM; Editing by Anupama Dwivedi)