MUMBAI (Reuters) - The Reserve Bank of India set a cut-off price of 96.96 rupees, yielding 8.9982 percent on the 7.38 percent 2015 bonds, in line with the Reuters poll forecast of 9.0036 percent.
For the 8.12 percent 2020 bonds, the RBI set a cut-off price of 97.01 rupees, or yield of 8.6747 percent, 2 basis points higher than the poll forecast of 8.6519 percent.
The cut-off price for the 8.20 percent 2025 bonds was 98.01 rupees, yielding 8.4629 percent, 2 bps higher than the poll forecast of 8.4440 percent.
For the 8.32 percent 2032 bonds, the RBI set a cut-off price of 97.63 rupees, yielding 8.5747 percent, in line with the poll forecast of 8.5725 percent.
However, for a second consecutive week, the central bank did not specify the amount of bids it accepted at the 150 billion rupee bond auction. (Reporting by Neha Dasgupta; Editing by Subhranshu Sahu)