1. Why was this company founded in 1999 (NASDAQ:PRSS) in a way get noticed in India and by Indians recently?
Café Press is the American retail online company that crowdsources designs for its products and was selling the controversial Mahatma Gandhi flip-flops on Amazon.com
2. Connect the brands Marriott, Jindal and Kellogg’s in the USA and establish what is common to them.
All are business schools in the US named after them. The Marriott School of Business is part of the Birmingham Young University, Kellogg's is part of Northwestern University and the Navin Jindal School of Management is a part
All are business schools in the US named after them. The Marriott School of Business is part of the Birmingham Young University, Kellogg's is part of Northwestern University and the Navin Jindal School of Management is a part