Bharati Cellular yesterday unveiled the expansion programme of its cellular service, AirTel, undertaken at a cost of Rs 130 crore.
The company said it has installed its second mobile switching centre (MSC) in north-west Delhi, thus becoming the only cellular operator in the country to do so. It said the two MSCs have helped increase its network to 2,00,000 lines from 70,000 lines.
The two mobile switching centres will be connected by an optic fibre ring which will serve to direct calls faster from the point of origin to the receiving point. A synchronous digital hierarchy feature in the optic fibre system will ensure that all calls are quickly rerouted in the event of congestion at any single point.
Bharati Enterprises chairman and group managing director, Sunil Bharati Mittal, said the new investments will reinforce AirTels position as a leader in network quality and customer care.