Question : What's the difference between endoscopy and panendoscopy? (New Scientist)
Answer : Endoscopy, also termed as upper endoscopy or esophago-gastrodudenoscopy (EGD) where doctors insert a tube called an endoscope into the patient's mouth and down into the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum. The tube carries a light and viewing device that enables the doctor to examine these areas.
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A colonoscopy, also termed as lower endoscopy, involves placing a somewhat larger scope into the rectum and slowly advancing it to examine the large intenstine.
A panendoscopy refers to the combination of endoscopy and colonoscipy. Often when a gastroenterologist is looking for the source of certain problems, such as bleeding from the intestine. Patients will have these procedures done at the same visit.
Flight path
Question : Why do rockets take off standing up? Why don't they go along a runway? (New Scientist)
Answer 1 : On an airless planet, a rocket could take off in any direction and reach escape velocity using the same amount of fuel. On earch, however reockets generally take off vertically to minimise the drage experienced in escaping from the atomsphere.
Answer 2 : To