The NDA in Tamil Nadu cut a sorry figure after two Union Ministers belonging to the Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) were forced to refute charges of corruption in one of their Ministries leveled by their own ally , the Tamizhaga Rajiv Congress (TRC)..
Union Health Minister N.T. Shanmugam was compelled to call a press meet today and deny charges made by TRC leader V.K. Ramamurthy that the PMK leader Dr. S. Ramadoss and his son Anbumani were influencing decisions in his Ministry.
Mr. Shanmugam said that he was prepared to resign his Ministership if Mr. Ramamurthy proved his charges.
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Another Pattali Makkal Katchi Minister of State for Petroleum Mr. Ponnuswamy termed Mr. Ramamurthy's remarks as baseless and aimed at defaming Dr. Ramadoss.
On Thursday Mr. Ramamurthy had told a press meet that Dr. Ramadoss was functioning as an extra-constitutional authority and had applied pressure (on Shanmugam) to get one his relatives to the Medical Examination Board.
Similarly another nominee of Dr. Ramadoss had got the dealership for supplying drugs to Central Government hospitals .The TRC leader further said that Prime Minister was seized of these developments.
Stating that he would resign from the Union Council of Ministers if Mr Ramamurthy was able to prove the allegation, Mr Shanmugham asked whether Mr Ramamurthy was willing to quit politics if the allegation was found incorrect.
Mr. Shanmugam denied all these charges and said that Mr. Ramamurthy should relinquish politics if he failed to substantiate his allegations.
The TRC leader had accused Dr. Ramdoss for sabotaging his election prospects at Salem.
Ever since he failed to retain his Salem seat and consequently his Ministerial berth at Delhi, Mr. Ramamurthy has been waging a war of words with the Pattali Makkal Katchi leader Dr. Ramdoss.