Dr Chopras prescription for lifelong affluence is akin to an exhortation in some schoolboy chain-letter. The good doctor says: For best results you must read this entire book once, and subsequently read five pages on a daily basis. Upon completing, start again.. Make this a lifelong habit and wealth in all its forms will follow you wherever you go.
Not a very tall order, one might think, with a total of 100 diary pages and an average of 70 words a page. Ah, but the Material in this book is very concentrated and needs to be literally metabolised and experienced in the consciousness of the reader. Is this perhaps a hint that the full-stops are impregnated with some consciousness-altering substance that adventurous readers can chew up and metabolise? That could be one reason why the price of this khichdi of psycho-babble, pseudo-science and plain absurdity is as much as Rs 125.
The book is an eccentric tour through the Latin Alphabet. In the Chopra alphabet, L stands for Love and Luxury, M for making money and motivating others, X for expressing honest appreciation, W for wealth consciousness without worries etc. But then, this book is not designed as self-help for the scrabble addict, its a primer on how to make money without feeling guilty about the pursuit of material wealth.
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The author guarantees you will get rich and live in luxury, if you merely become aware of his A-Z attitudes to creating affluence. It isnt necessary to even practise them wealth will happen effortlessly as you become aware of the attitudes. Here are some random aphorisms live in luxury, go first-class all the time, aim for happiness first, let the universe handle the details, just look for the opportunities.
In the mind of Dr Chopra, thoughts are never merely thoughts, they are linguistically-structured and verbally elite. They are the raw material of the Chopra universe. That universe is etymologically one song by the same Chopravian logic that probably makes vice-versa a theme album of perversions. He never quotes from the Rig Veda. He always illuminates your consciousness with an Ancient Vedic Saying by a great Vedic Seer. Just in case you thought the Vedas were a post-partition invention. And the letter J stands for Judgement which is unnecessary.
Between creatively exploring the letters of the alphabet, Chopra also mangles standard text-book understanding of physics in breath-taking fashion. First he provides his own creative variation on Quantum mechanics which he calls the Quantum field theory. Its a peculiar rehash of Fritjof Capra and Carlos Castaneda with some Chopravian logic inserted to prove we are all thinking bodies in a thinking universe. Just as thought projects itself as the molecules of our body, so too the same impulses of energy and information project themselves as space-time events in our environment. Eat your heart out Max Planck I bet you never imagined that!
To further establish his scientific credentials, Chopra also provides a Maharshi Mahesh Yogi-inspired primer of 25 Unified Field qualities. Since Hawking, Salam and a host of other scientists have thus far failed to put together a coherent UF Theory, in all fairness MMY should be allowed a go.
The UF ala MMY is certainly an entertaining creature far more fun than the messy inchoate equations of the above-mentioned gentry. The UF (MMY) is infinitely correlated, perfect orderly, fully awake within itself, infinitely silent, unmanifest, and Lord High everything else. Equally naturally the UF (MMY) is equated to the Brahman of the ancient Vedic Sayings as interpreted by Deepak Chopra. The UF can also help you make money without guilt if you only read this book and alternate meditation with activity. Failing all else, read this book as the author exhorts you to do early and often.
Chopra with his constant stream of quotes from the Great Vedic Seer, the Great Sufi Saint, the Great Indian Poet irresistably draws ones mind along literary lines. The great English Saint Andrew Lang provided the only description of Brahman which tops Doctor Chopras. He wrote: If the batsman thinks he bats and the bowler thinks he bowls, they know not poor deluded souls they too shall die unconsoled. I am the batsman and the bat, I am the bowler and the ball, the umpire and the pavilion cat, pitch and stumps and all. Now thats a true blend of eastern mysticism and western science.