Doordarshan (DD) has decided to invite bids for the marketing rights of
Wimbledon matches without the support of its marketing consortium. DD
will telecast the premier tennis event from quarter finals onwards.
But not many are expected to participate in the bids as, according to
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one marketing company, DD has kept the floor price at an exorbitant Rs
2.91 crore net, which means the amount quoted excludes the commission
payable to advertising agencies.
According to DD sources, the bids will open today. What may add to the
problems of the marketers of Wimbledon matches is that the games to be
aired on DD will also be showed on Star Sports.
Though initially, the Indian rights of the Wimbledon matches were with
Delhi-based Stracon India, but as per the company's chief, Siddharth
Ray, they surrendered the rights back to the organisers who negotiated
independently with Doordarshan.
With the floor price for the marketing rights kept on the higher side,
not many companies are expected to participa