Larson & Toubro (L&T) is all set to bag the contract to construct the second Narmada bridge in Gujarat on a build-operate-transfer basis (BOT). The bridge, to come up on national highway number 8 near Jadeswar, is estimated to cost Rs 123 crore. The expense is inclusive of the interest during construction, cost of the approach road and the river bed protective embankment. The length of the main bridge is about 1.36 kms
L&T was picked up through the process of competitive bidding in which three other engineering majors had staked their claims.
They were Constain-Balecha Company, a UK-Indian joint venture firm, Escort and Gammon India. The project is first of its kind by size being taken up by the private sector under the build-operate- transfer scheme.
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The letter of intent has already been issued to L&T. Work will be awarded on signing of the agreement after the necessary formalities are completed. The 15-year concession tenure includes three years' construction period. Land has already been acquired and will be given free-of-cost.
However, the entire funding for the project is to be arranged by the entreprenur, officials said. Toll rates, which formed the main criterion for selecting the entrepreneur, will be Rs 9 for cars, Rs 23 for light commercial vehicles and Rs 27 for buses and trucks.
A contract for the construction of five bridges on the NH 5 in Andhra Pradesh is near finalisation. These are to come up between Nellore and Chennai at a cost of Rs 50 crore.
The contractor chosen for the purpose through competitive bidding is P V Raj Builders of Hyderabad. Although the government announced its highway privatisation policy almost four years ago, the private sector has been rather hesitant in entering the same considering it a risky venture. Only three BOT schemes have so far taken off